Thursday, April 22, 2010


I'm back to sewing! This lion just kind of happened on a whim yesterday, and I'm fine with that. It's the first thing I've sewn that doesn't involve felt, AND it's the biggest plush I've made so far. I think I was originally going to sew him a tie... I may still do that.

OH and I finished Bunzilla!!! I started this thing a few weeks ago, but he's been sitting unhappily in my desk while I was fitting my routine back together. It's exciting because this is the first plush to usher in a new era for me: I do what I want! I'm tired of listening to the endless suggestions from (mostly) people who have no idea what my vision is or what kind of pieces I want to create. Making simple cute things is really fun, and sells pretty well, but that's not what I'm concerned with. I want to push my boundaries and try and make some more complex stuff like when I first started sewing. Yay for new found confidence!

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