Tuesday, April 12, 2011

And I Begin Again

My blog has been severely neglected. I believe it's because it never had a purpose other than to get myself out into the internet world and try my hand at keeping up with one of these things. I wanted people in the sewing community to read it and interact with me, like some kind of plush Myspace. When that didn't happen, I let it die, and I honestly figured I wouldn't be back.

BUT I have a new purpose for this blog.

My creative energy is bursting at the seams (ha sewing pun) right now, and I've got a few ideas I'd like to try. They aren't like anything I've ever made before, so I want to document my research, inspirations, works in progress, screw ups, etc. Even if no one besides me ever looks at this blog, I really don't mind because this is just a way for me to record my creative process. And if by some crazy magic voodoo someone does read it, maybe it will help them do the same or at least inspire them to do something better. I've changed a lot in the past year, and my focus is finally on trying to make work I'm proud of rather than making something to sell. More on this later...

For now, I'll leave you with a few things inspiring my upcoming project.

"Mandala of Celtic Buddhism"

Amazing plush (couldn't find it's name) by Muju

"Candela" by Spinthread

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